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Does My Startup Need Cloud Security from Day One?

Cybersecurity is something that all businesses focus on today. Regardless of size, cloud computing adoption has made organizations of all sizes vulnerable to cyberattacks. Cloud-based services are a double-edged sword for most startups. That’s because they make it easier and affordable for startups to scale. However, they also make them more vulnerable to security and data breaches.

According to a Ponemon Institute study, approximately 55 percent of small-to-medium-sized enterprises experience some version of cyberattack. Many startups often neglect cloud security when starting. That’s usually not a good idea because it results in numerous problems. Even if the problems aren’t immediate, you’ll encounter them in the long run. Indusface reports small-to-medium-sized enterprises are most at risk from cyberattacks than larger enterprises. That’s because smaller organizations have limited experience with cybersecurity. As a result, many startups and smaller firms don’t have stringent cybersecurity protocols and measures, unlike their larger counterparts.

Hence, it’s apparent that startups need cloud security from day one.

Security Protocols Startups Should Implement

Here are some cloud security strategies that startups should implement immediately after incorporation. They include:


Most organizations think they don’t need a firewall after migrating to the cloud. However, that’s not a good idea. You’ll require a firewall due to several reasons.
Although your cloud service provider has its own security protocols, you’ll still need to implement security measures yourself to create an additional protection layer. Otherwise, you risk attacks harming your network infrastructure.

Cyber attackers and bad actors have numerous ways to access your network and use your data. They can sneak onto your network through Wi-Fi networks, IoT devices, computers, and on-premises servers.
Implementing a strong firewall protects your employees. In addition, it also protects your organization’s sensitive data from bad actors. You can monitor incoming and outgoing traffic using a firewall. More importantly, a firewall flags any suspicious files that might contain malware and prevent it from entering your network.

File-Level Encryption

Most cloud vendors will offer numerous encryption services. However, you’ll still want to encrypt data at the file level. Various encryption tools will segment and scatter your data in numerous folders when storing them on the cloud. These tools can prove beneficial if a cyberattack occurs. Cybercriminals won’t be able to access your files because they’re encrypted and segmented.

Performing Regular Backups

Performing regular backups is crucial. Sometimes, even the most advanced protection measures can’t help you during a cyberattack. Not only can cyber attackers enter your network and steal your data, but they can also wipe all your data. In such instances, you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble. Consider backing up data frequently. Doing so ensures that you have recent backups available. Even if you lose your data, you’ll still be able to revert to these files and continue with losing significant progress.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication has become a must in today’s world. According to a report by PWC, 47 percent of Asian organizations use multi-factor authentication for security. Although multi-factor authentication isn’t infallible, it does add an extra security layer to your network.

Educating Employees

According to a Kaspersky study, 90 percent of cybersecurity breaches occur because of human errors. You’ll want to educate your employees about the best cybersecurity practices to follow to avoid these issues. Consider providing your employees with data security training. Explain to them the importance of properly managing confidential data. Likewise, inform them of the consequences of a data breach for heightened awareness.

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